Naripokkho expresses solidarity with Palestine

Naripokkho, a women's rights organisation, has expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine, it said in a statement on Wednesday (1 November).
"The Palestinian resilience and courage to look death in the eye and stand their ground can only be lauded and admired. Naripokkho stands in solidarity with all Palestinians and joins the global call for ceasefire now," reads the statement.
"The images and sounds of terror emanating from 2.3 million people held hostage in the Gaza Strip have shocked and deeply distressed people across the world.
"Since its inception Israel has used disproportionate force to evict, displace, imprison, kill and maim Palestinians, including children, in ways that can only be described as ethnic cleansing. It is clear Israel's war on Gaza is not a war between equals but is aimed at the annihilation of an oppressed, disempowered and helpless people," it added.
It also sates, "This war is a land grab being conducted through collective punishment and genocide. As of now, Israel has rained hellfire over the Gaza Strip and has reduced at least half of it to rubble and ash, killing upwards of 8,000 civilians, with the numbers of deaths rising by the hour."