Five myths about blood pressure people should stop believing
Here are some common myths about blood pressure that everyone should know

Changes in blood pressure can be a sign as well as a result of some health conditions. Both high blood pressure and low blood pressure are harmful to someone's health. High blood pressure also known as hypertension can put people at a significantly higher risk of heart disease whereas low blood pressure or hypotension can lead to dizziness and affect the health of heart, reports NDTV.
Many are not aware of the exact causes of these major fluctuations in blood pressure. But there are several misconceptions roaming around regarding blood pressure which have gained the reputation of statutes. But these myths should be busted to take effective steps for preventing blood pressure.
Here are some common myths about blood pressure that everyone should know -
1. Changes in blood pressure are harmless
Many ignore fluctuations in blood pressure. High blood pressure can be a sign of some serious health condition. Low blood pressure can also make it difficult to perform day to tasks efficiently. It is important to get blood pressure numbers checked regularly, any change should be treated medically.
2. High blood pressure cannot be controlled

Many live with high blood pressure and believe that it cannot be treated. High blood pressure can be treated effectively with the help of medical assistance combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Regular exercise, weight management, consumption of a healthy diet, stress control and quitting smoking can help regulate blood pressure numbers.
3. Cutting salt can cure high blood pressure

Too much salt is bad for your blood pressure as well as kidneys. Reducing salt intake may help control blood pressure numbers. But cutting back on salt alone is not going to help you fight hypertension. To fight hypertension it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
4. It is okay to quit treatment once symptoms are under control
People tend to stop medication once the symptoms are under control. But you should not stop the treatment unless your doctor advises you to do so. Also, follow all necessary prevention methods as long as required.
5. Drinking coffee is safe when blood pressure is low

Consuming caffeine in low blood pressure can elevate numbers for a while but it is a treatment for the condition. Too much consumption of caffeine is harmful to your health in various ways. If you are suffering from high blood pressure then you must avoid caffeine consumption as much as possible.
Just to be clear, the list is made just from generic information about blood pressure, because it affects people differently. It is always suggested to take a professional medical opinion for treatment.