Former Ctg MP Nadvi, wife sued for electoral code violations

The Election Commission has filed a case against Dr Abu Reza Nezamuddin Muhammad Nadvi, former MP of Chattogram-15, and his wife Rizia Reza for violating the electoral code of conduct.
Satkania Upazila Election Officer Bikal Chakma filed the case in Chattogram Chief Judicial Magistrate Court on Wednesday (7 February) afternoon.
Chattogram Senior Assistant Judge Shahnewaz Monir and MA Motaleb, the newly elected MP of Chattogram-15 constituency, were included as witnesses in the case.
Earlier on 11 January, the Election Commission issued a letter for taking action against former MP Nadvi and his wife.
Confirming the filing of the case, Bikal Chakma said, "Upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Election Investigation Committee, legal action has been initiated against the accused as the allegations of code of conduct violations against them have been substantiated."
According to the case, Nadvi and Rizia allegedly donated Tk1 crore to the Siratunnabi (PBUH) Mahfil of Chunati Madrasa and announced job opportunities and scholarships during an election campaign on 31 December last year.
Additionally, Rizia Reza Chowdhury pledged a donation of Tk2 lakh at a rally in Putivila Tantipara.
The Electoral Inquiry Committee submitted a report against the accused, citing violations of Rule 11(a) of the Rules of Conduct of Political Parties and Candidates in Parliament Elections, 2008.
In response, the EC directed the respective upazila election officer to file a complaint in the Judicial Magistrate's Court against the accused for breaching the code of conduct.
Awami League nominated candidate Abu Reza Muhammad Nezamuddin Nadvi was defeated by the independent candidate MA Motaleb in the 12th National Election held on 7 January.