No pragmatic step was taken to save Buriganga: Experts

Environment activists on Sunday alleged that the authorities concerned never took any planned and pragmatic initiatives to save the river Buriganga although various projects were undertaken for the development of Dhaka.
At a mass bathing programme in Buriganga marking World Environment Day, Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (Bapa) general secretary and Waterkeepers Bangladesh coordinator Sharif Jamil said that the river Buriganga continued to get contaminated with every step taken to develop Dhaka. Now the river is reeling with pollution losing its natural beauty.

The coordinator of the mass bathing programme Shariful Islam said that Buriganga is a saviour for Dhaka. More than 52 lakh people live on the banks of the river but are inflicted with various diseases and affected by economic crises due to polluted water.
"We want to encourage people to prevent Buriganga pollution and make the water suitable for bathing through this programme," he said.
The mass bathing programme was organised under the Basila Bridge Kheyaghat at Mohammadpur in the capital in the morning.