Gas crisis disrupts industrial production, raises cost
Traders are being deprived of desired profit, while many have shut down production due to insufficient gas

Manikganj industries suffer due to gas crisis
- Titas Gas customers in the district:
- 71 manufacturing industries
- 19 CNG stations
- 1,242 residential
- 33 commercial
- Due to acute gas crisis, production cost is increasing
- Traders deprived of desired profit
- Many have shut down production
- Gas authorities did not take any effective steps
- Gas pressure remains very low from 5 am to midnight
- Titas director said the situation would improve by the end of this month
The cost of production is increasing in industrial factories of Manikganj due to an acute gas crisis.
As the demand for gas is much higher than its supply, industries in the district are having to keep production activities normal through alternatives.
Businesses are being deprived of the desired profit, while many have already shut down production due to insufficient gas. They complained that the gas authorities have not taken any effective steps in this regard.
Manikganj Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Authority covers areas ranging from Islampur in Dhamrai upazila to Dhaka-Aricha Ghat area of Shibalaya upazila in Manikganj.
There are 71 manufacturing industries, 19 CNG stations, 1,242 residential and 33 commercial customers of Titas in the area.
Jamal Uddin, manager of J and J Essential Products in the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (Bscic) area inManikganj, said their factory used to produce mosquito coils and electric lamps.
The production of these two products is now completely shut down due to non-availability of gas as per the demand.
Once they get the gas supply, they will be able to resume the production, Jamal said.
Md Kalim Uddin, deputy general manager (Production) at Rising Spinning Mill in Nayadingi area in Saturia upazila, said the production activities of the factory have to be kept normal by using electricity as there is no gas as per the demand.
On average, at least Tk50 lakh is being spent every month, he continued, "We've informed the gas authorities of the low supply of gas, but the problem is yet to be resolved."
The spinning mill needs five PSIs (pounds per square inch) of gas pressure to keep production normal. There is only one PSI. As a result, they are forced to use electricity, said the official of Rising Spinning Mill.
Monir Ahmed Khan, the owner of a CNG station in Manikganj, said the gas pressure remains fairly normal from 12 am to 5 am, but it remains very low for the rest of the time. This is why there is an inconsistency in the gas bill of Titus with that used for vehicles, he added.
"The amount of gas we put in the car is less than that showed by the metre because the pressure is low, which causes loss," he claimed.
He also said the authorities have not taken any step to address the problem even after being notified about the matter more than once.
He mentioned that his gas station has been closed for several months.
Owners of several other factories and CNG stations said the gas problem is quite old in Manikganj.
The industrial factories of this area have somehow survived in this way. As a result, even after being a district next to the capital, the entrepreneurs are reluctant to set up new industries due to lack of gas.
There are 26 small and big industrial factories in the industrial city area. Most of the factories here are gas dependent.
Rabiul Alam, an official of Manikganj Bscic Industrial City, said there are 26 small and big industrial factories in the industrial city area. Most of the factories here are gas dependent.
He has informed the appropriate authorities requesting to resolve the issue expeditiously.
Manikganj Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Manager Atiqul Haque has declined to comment on the issue.
Meanwhile, Titas Gas Managing Director Ali Mohd Al-Mamun said due to low supply of LNG, the supply of desired pressure of the gas is not possible.
He said the situation would improve by the end of this month.