Eminent citizens call for mutual compromise to solve political impasse

Eminent citizens at a roundtable on Saturday have made the call for mutual compromise to proceed towards a fair and acceptable election.
The roundtable, organised by the Editors' Guild – an association that promotes responsible journalism – was moderated by Guild President Mozammel Babu.
"Solution to political problems won't come from courts; they must be solved politically. For this, goodwill on part of the politicians is necessary before anything," said Prothom Alo Joint Editor Sohrab Hasan.
"The next national elections can be held under an all-party government within the current parliament. If required, the constitution should be amended to come up with a solution," he added at the roundtable on Saturday titled "Ongoing Political Crisis: Which way is the solution".
Former election commissioner M Sakhawat Hussain said, "There is one solution to it and that is let people speak."
Gonoshasthaya Kendra Founder and Trustee Dr Zafarullah Chowdhury emphasised on an election-time all-party government as the most viable option.
He said, "If Haji Selim, who was sentenced to 10 years in jail, can be granted bail, why not BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda."
Former UGC chairman Prof Abdul Mannan recommended that the solution should be found within the constitution.
Among others, former VC of the national university Prof Harun-Or-Rashid, former IGP AKM Shahidul Haque, Prof Sadeka Halim, senior journalist Ajoy Dasgupta spoke at the event.