Panel discussion on restoring tourism held at IUBAT

International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) College of Tourism and Hospitality Management (CTHM) held a virtual panel discussion on "Restoring Tourism" marking World Tourism Day 2021.
This panel discussion emphasised the current situation of the tourism industry and the possibilities of restoring tourism, said a press release.
The panellists mentioned that enhanced coordination between the public and private sectors is needed, people should conduct individual risk assessments not only for travel but also for their own safety, international coordination framework allowing safe movement should be imposed, the protocol should be enhanced (protection, mask, and vaccination) to continue supporting the tourism sector after the outbreak of this pandemic, special assistance should be provided to employees, and an extensive effort should be made to improve tourism education and training.
Civil Aviation and Tourism Joint Secretary Dr Mallick Anwar Hossain, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Regional Director George Tziallas, IUBAT Vice-Chancellor Dr Abdur Rab, Foreign Affairs Ministry ITIT and ICT Director General Md Najmul Huda, Dr Algarve University Assistant Professor and CinTurs Co-coordinator Manuela Guerreiro, and Keystone Hospitality and Property Management CEO Maj (Retd) Shawkat Hossain spoke at the panel discussion.
The panel discussion was broadcasted live from IUBAT and CTHM's official Facebook page and viewed by thousands of students and audiences. CTHM Dean, Chair, Coordinator, Faculty members were also joined at the discussion. This panel discussion was moderated by assistant professor of CTHM Md Yusuf Hossein Khan.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on tourism for inclusive growth.
World Tourism Day, celebrated each year on 27 September, is the global observance day fostering awareness of tourism's social, cultural, political, and economic value and the contribution the sector can make towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.