IUBAT holds webinar on Covid-19 impact on agro-economy

A national virtual seminar on the "Impact of COVID pandemic on Agro-economy of Bangladesh" was held at International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Dhaka.
The virtual seminar was organised by Centre for Policy Research (CPR), IUBAT on 9 October.
Renowned economist Dr Atiur Rahman, former governor of Bangladesh Bank spoke in the seminar as chief guest, said a press release.
In his speech, Atiur Rahman stressed the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on agro-economy of Bangladesh.
He expressed his satisfaction and showed high aspiration that agriculturists, scientists and researchers will take the country to a position of developed country by fulfilling the food requirement of coming days and bring self-sufficiency in all sectors of agriculture.
He said that agriculture has played an extra ordinary role for the people of Bangladesh during Covid-19 by continuous supplying of food.
Speaking as the special guest, Pro Vice Chancellor of IUBAT Professor Dr Hamida Akter Begum stressed the need of Centre for Policy Research at IUBAT for working on different issues effectively in collaboration with other institutions and universities.
Professor Dr Abdur Rab, vice chancellor of IUBAT, Professor Dr Ismail Hossain, chair of Centre for Policy Research, Dean of College of Agricultural Sciences Professor Dr M Shohidullah Miah Dean, researchers, scientists and academics of different Institutes and Universities from home and abroad were present in the event.