DNCC to buy mosquito control machinery without tender
Usually, all types of public purchase are made through floating tenders

The government on Wednesday gave its approval to the proposal of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) for directly buying mosquito control machinery and insecticides without floating any tender.
The cabinet committee on government purchase gave the go-ahead at its secretariat meeting.
According to the proposal, the DNCC will procure 200 foggers, 150 hand-controlled machines and 40,000 litres of Malathion within the next one month to check the outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and chikungunya.
The total cost for this purpose has been estimated at more than Tk5.32 crore.
In this regard, the DNCC will follow the direct purchase process under Section 68(1) of the Public Procurement Act, 2006 and Section 76(2) of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008.
After the meeting, Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal briefed media about the issue.
“Dengue has turned into a national issue. Considering the essentiality of dengue and chikungunya prevention, we have approved the DNCC proposal,” he said.
Usually, all types of public purchase are made through floating tenders. But, this time the government has approved a direct purchase as dengue prevention is crucial, the finance minister added.
As per the proposal, Malathion is an insecticide endorsed by the World Health Organisation. It is effective in controlling vectors and destroying Aedes mosquito larvae.
Besides, foggers and hand-controlled machines are used to spray this insect repellent.
Mustafa Kamal said, “The insecticide sprayed in Bangladesh only drives mosquitoes away from one place to another. But the proposed insecticide is of the Singapore model which is used by several countries, including Singapore, to control mosquitoes.”
Through following this model, mosquitoes will be enticed to a pit. Later, they will be killed with the insecticide, he added.
To a reporter’s query about whether stagnated water in development project sites is helping mosquito production, Mustafa Kamal said the government is taking actions wherever mosquitoes are breeding.
The government is taking awareness measures in all development projects, he added.