Bangladesh observes World Standards Day today
BSTI chalks out several programmes, including discussion meetings about its head office, regional and district offices.

Bangladesh will observe the 53rd "World Standards Day" today with the theme of a "Shared vision for a better world – Standards for SDGs".
President Md Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, and State Minister for Industries, Kamal Ahmed Majumder, and Industries ministry secretary Zakia Sultana, gave out separate messages on the occasion.
To mark the day, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) has chalked out several programmes, including discussion meetings about its head office, and regional and district offices, said a press release.
BSTI will have their discussion meeting on 16 October at 2:30 pm at their Head Office in Tejgaon Industrial Area marking the day.
The Industries Minister will grace the event as chief guest, with Director General (additional charge) of BSTI, Zanendra Nath Sarker, in the chair.
State Minister for Industries, Industries Ministry Secretary and President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Md Jashim Uddin, will be special guests at the programme.
Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar will telecast a special programme marking the day.
Moreover, a number of important places in the capital city are being decorated with banners, festoons, and placards.