Bangladesh added to UK approved vaccine list

Bangladesh has been added to the UK government's list of approved Covid-19 vaccines and the countries with approved Covid-19 proof of vaccination.
The approval will be effective from 4am Monday (11 October), according to an announcement from the UK's Department for Transport.
"Bangladesh vaccine certification is now recognised by British authorities. Our Mission contacted them and described our processes and now they recognize our vaccine certification, which will be effective from 4am Monday, 11 October 2021," said Foreign Minister Dr. Ak on Friday morning.
Welcoming the decision, High Commissioner for Bangladesh to the UK Saida Muna Tasneem said, "This decision is a reflection of warm bilateral relations between Bangladesh and the UK and a result of the High Commission's sustained diplomatic efforts to remove the remaining obstacles to business, tourism and essential travel between the two countries."
The High Commissioner further said that from 4am Monday 11 October onwards, people fully vaccinated with UK-approved vaccines will no longer require a 10-day hotel or home quarantine and a Covid-19 pre-departure test.
However, a Covid-19 Test should be taken on or before the Day 2 after arrival in England.
Vaccination certificates issued by relevant Bangladesh authorities are also required for all travellers as proof of vaccination status.
The travellers who have not been fully vaccinated with a UK authorized vaccines must quarantine for 10 days, either at home or where they are staying, and should undergo a Day 2 and Day 8 Covid test.
Earlier on 17 September, Bangladesh was removed from the UK government's travel red list, which came into effect at 4am on 22 September.