Customers seek PM's intervention to recover money from Alesha Mart
Approximately 7,000 Alesha Mart customers had placed orders, primarily for motorcycles, with a total value of around Tk150 crore

Customers of Alesha Mart have sought the intervention of the prime minister, commerce minister, and other stakeholders to recover the money they had paid for their orders on the e-commerce platform.
They placed their demands by holding a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity on Sunday.
Sohan Chowdhury, president of the Alesha Mart Customer Association, read a written statement during the press conference and alleged that the chairman of the e-commerce platform had deceived them.
"The chairman repeatedly promised to issue refunds but has not fulfilled his commitment since the orders were placed in June 2021," he said.
Sohan Chowdhury mentioned that approximately 7,000 Alesha Mart customers had placed orders, primarily for motorcycles, with a total value of around Tk150 crore.
The association also urged the prime minister, commerce ministry, and law enforcement agencies to put Manjur Alam Shikdar and Sadia Chowdhury, the directors of Alesha Mart, under surveillance.
Drawing the attention of Manjur Alam Shikdar, the association's secretary Russell Kobir said, "Tell us how we will get our refunds."
He said the customers will carry out strict programmes, including surrounding his house, if the money is not refunded quickly
"We did not understand that we would be cheated by the company as Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi was the guest at the event when Alesha Mart was inaugurated," Russell Kobir said.
Last year, some customers of Alesha Mart were refunded.
Russell Kobir said those refunds were made through the consumer rights directorate using a list.
The process should be resumed, he added.