Civil society urges global 1.5°C commitment, compensation for vulnerable countries at COP28

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, leaders of Civil Society from Most Vulnerable Countries (MVCs) took to the stage at the COP28 Global Climate Conference in Dubai, demanding urgent action to address the climate crisis and provide compensation to those most affected.
The press conference, titled "Civil Society Demands on Keeping the Commitment of Global Temperature to 1.5°C and Demanding Compensation to the MVCs," was organised by An Organisation for Socio-Economic Development (AOSED) yesterday and featured representatives from various national and international Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), reads a press release.
Keynote speaker Shamim Arfeen, executive director of AOSED, emphasised the critical need for global cooperation in addressing the challenge of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. He highlighted the severe impacts faced by vulnerable nations, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, despite commitments made in the 2015 Paris Agreement.
The demands presented during the conference included calls for developed nations to commit to a transparent roadmap, aligned with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. Other key demands encompassed accelerating discussions on the Global Goal on Adaptation, urgently increasing Adaptation Funds, advocating for a new Collective and Quantified Goal on Climate Finance, implementing the Global Decarbonisation Accelerator, and establishing measures for displacement management from a human rights perspective.
Emad Adly, founder of the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED), emphasised that current financial support does not meet the minimum requirements, stressing the importance of supporting development agencies to enhance their capacity for more effective interventions.
Jahangir Hasan Masum, executive director at Coastal Development Partnership (CDP), called on developed countries to consider investments or insurance to secure the future of climate-vulnerable populations, viewing climate finance from a human rights perspective. He also expressed concern about the lack of political commitment in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations.
Mohammad Zobair Hasan, chief of the Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (DORP), highlighted the need for COP28 to prioritise safe water and sanitation, aligning with UN declarations. He emphasised the importance of transparency and accountability in fund mobilisation to ensure that funds reach the affected communities.
Jocelyn Perry, program manager for climate displacement at Refugees International, stressed that the issue of displacement is often sidelined, increasing the vulnerability of those already displaced or on the verge of displacement, and urged special attention to address this critical issue.
The conference was moderated by Syed Aminul Hoque from the COAST Foundation.