Brain drain, political ignorance: Maladies affecting this generation
Many of us are from the “I hate politics” generation but is politics something we can separate ourselves from?

I have been pondering about our generation for a while now and couldn't see a future which includes people choosing to stay in this country and making it a better one.
Why am I still here though? Maybe because I was born here? Or maybe because I have family here?
No, the simple answer is I have nowhere else better to be.
The grass always seems greener on the other side, but how many of us actually know how life elsewhere is before dipping our toes in the new environment.
We have been brought up in a time where political rallies and strikes are an everyday occurrence giving politics a reputation of being "risky" and "destructive." Parents try their utmost to keep their children out of harms' way by discouraging them to actively take part in any political activities.
However, isn't it their generation who "ruined" politics? But what are we doing to make it better?
By being aloof we are only leaving the country in the hands of people we know very little about. We are not even informed enough to choose the lesser evil.
Many of us are from the "I hate politics" generation. But are we really outside the purview of politics?
Stuck in traffic we spew out statements like – this country is going nowhere, everyday there's a new protest, why do they have to block the roads, isn't there any better way to actualise their demands.
Yet, despite our path being obstructed, we still do not take the time to find out what people are "protesting" about.
We have built our walls so high that we do not want to concern ourselves with matters that apparently "do not concern us."
Does it really not concern us?
A democratic government is one which is for the people and they are supposed to be the ones who are on the helm. So, can we really separate ourselves from politics?
Whoever is elected in the upcoming national election, might not be of our concern considering the political side of things but they will represent us in the parliament and they will be making decisions for us as a nation.
Are we really that dense that we cannot be bothered to think of our future as well? It only takes small steps like showing up to vote.
However, the fact remains, how many of us will even stay in the country to choose the public representatives.
The brain drain our generation is witnessing will bite us back in 50 years, if we live that far.
Who wouldn't want to leave a country that is rotting from the inside out? But, we can at least try to revive it, can't we?