My biggest desire was to become a 'borobhai': Dana
Meet Kamrun Nahar Dana, widely known as 'Dana Bhai Joss,' a content creator with over a million followers

Present-day social media is nothing without reels. Apart from travel and product marketing reels, the growth of reels created for comic relief have introduced us to numerous content creators. One such digital creator is Kamrun Nahar Dana, popularly known as 'Dana Bhai Joss' to her one million plus followers online.
In an interview with The Business Standard, Dana talks about her journey as a content creator and her role as " the girl who creates funny videos out of daily life circumstances."
In recounting her creative journey, Dana humbly states that she draws inspiration from the everyday, finding humour in the simplest, most mundane moments. Having started off with content creation in 2014, Dana initially struggled in garnering views for her videos. It wasn't until 2017 when she made a video portraying the quirks of a Bangali family in search of a 'suitable' bride, that her popularity soared.
"That video was the turning point and people started recognising me," she said.
Another pivotal moment, however, arrived during the lockdown of 2020 when her content went truly viral, resonating with a wider audience, who were bored at home during the trying times. Recognising the potential of a public platform, she established a Facebook page named 'Dana Bhai Joss.'
Hearing the name 'Dana Bhai Joss' may naturally evoke thoughts of narcissism, yet what may seem narcissistic to others is embraced by Dana as 'Self-Love.' Explaining the choice of the name, Dana shared, "I love myself. I consider myself a 'joss' person, and I believe there's no one who will love you more than yourself."
"I was a tomboy, no one in my area even knew I was a girl, until one day someone saw me getting on the school vehicle. I didn't even use lipstick until a few years ago."
In the less urban areas of Bangladesh, being called 'boro bhai,' or big brother, carries significant influence. Dana's fascination with this status began in her youth, observing older boys in her neighbourhood assigning less enjoyable tasks, such as retrieving a dirty ball from a ditch, to younger ones. This early inspiration fueled her aspirations for a 'powerful position.'
"I made my friends call me Dana Bhai. My biggest desire was to become a 'borobhai,' a prominent figure, perhaps even a mafia boss, when I was growing up." This ambition ultimately gave birth to the name Dana Bhai Joss.
For content creators like Dana, hate comments online have become a daily occurrence. In a profession like this, when hatred becomes a constant, it is important to remember that an individual's happiness does not depend on the projections of other people.
"I used to be very bothered by the hate that social media cultivates. But as my popularity grew, I realised the more hate I get, the greater engagement I have and as a result I earn more dollars," laughed Dana.
"The minute you start bothering other people, you will stop living your life. No one can love you the way you do yourself. My content is all about me. It's about the way I love myself. I like doing things that make me happy."
Dana, along with being a content creator, works at Mediacom Limited, a digital media company as the manager. "I love having a 9 to 5 job. It keeps me in a routine," she said.
"I know for a fact that I'm not as creative as Rakin (Absar), Kaarina(Kaiser) or some other creators. All I do is portray things my way, doing things only that I love," added Dana.
Dana believes that the expectations from audiences and clients limit her creativity and energy at times. Because of this, she doesn't see herself doing this as a permanent job. She thinks there are downsides to this profession, and it's a risk on its own. The content relies on the audience, whose moods can change unpredictably.
Dana firmly expresses that her social media platform holds a special place in her heart. She's grateful for the opportunities it has provided as a content creator. Notably, she mentions a post of hers about the untidy and unclean Chittagong University campus, which eventually led to a swift cleanup by the authorities within a week. She appreciates the position she holds in people's minds and continues to engage them with her witty and observant nature.