Better be a boyish boy!
One day Sifat decided to break up and was content with his decision, after all, he thought being a boy is much better than being confused all the time

Sifat has been dating a girl who is very aware of her existence as a member of the opposite gender. He really likes her but sometimes he becomes very confused about how to talk to her. Every time, she ends up saying something to him such as, "Oh you are saying this to me because I am a girl?"
Almost all of their fights end with her saying, "You are such a boyish boy Sifat!" Sifat does not understand anything, apart from that this girl is angry with him again. However, he also does not understand how he can stop being a typical boy, because is he not one?
The other day he was berating the rickshaw mama for charging too much and his girlfriend somehow made the whole incident look like his fault. Apparently, because he was a boy, he was showing too much anger on the roads. But Sifat was only irritated because the mama was asking for Tk100 for a usual fare of Tk40.
Sifat kept wondering about what he could do to make her realise that he is a boy and will always remain so. He wished he could turn into a Chihuahua or a Koala bear, because she found both these animals to be very cute.
He thought of cutting his hair but she told him he would look too boyish. When he kept his hair longer, she told him he looked weird like a member from the boy band BTS.
Finally, one day, Sifat decided to break up. As soon as he called her up and declared that he was tired of trying to be less of a boy every day, she started crying and yelling, "You are just like a typical boy, all set on breaking my poor heart!"
But this time Sifat was content with his decision, after all, he thought being a boy is much better than being confused all the time.