Anti-Discrimination Student Movement to stage mass sit-in at Shahbagh tomorrow

The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement will stage mass sit-in programmes across the country tomorrow (15 August) as part of its week-long "Resistance Week" programme.
The central mass gathering will begin at 10:00am at Shahbagh intersection, according to a statement by Abu Baker Mazumdar, coordinator of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement.
The organisers of the movement have put forth a set of four demands:
• A special tribunal must be established to ensure the swift trial of the massacres carried out by the fascist Hasina, her party, and the government using fascist structures.
• Those involved in the planned killings, looting, and robbery against minorities by the Awami League and its coalition partners in an effort to discredit the people's uprising must be brought to justice, and the legitimate demands of the minorities must be accepted.
• Those in the administration and judiciary who have legitimised the attacks, cases, and massacres against the student-populist uprising and repeatedly attempted to establish fascism must be removed as soon as possible, and their appointments in the new government must be cancelled and brought to justice.
• Those who have been victims of discrimination in the administration and judiciary must be provided equal opportunities as soon as possible.