Death of Ayaan: Father says being threatened to withdraw case against doctors
Ayaan’s father Shamim Ahmed filed a general diary (GD) with the Shahbagh Police Station in this regard on Sunday (28 January)

Father of Ayaan, the five-year-old child who died recently following faulty treatment at United Medical College Hospital, has claimed that he and his family are being threatened to withdraw a case filed over the incident with the Badda Police Station.
Ayaan's father Shamim Ahmed filed a general diary (GD) with the Shahbagh Police Station in this regard on Sunday (28 January), Jahangir Hossain, officer in-charge of the police station, told The Business Standard.
According to the GD, Shamim and his uncle Abdul Salam Kabir were returning home from a hearing of a writ petition in the High Court at around 12:30 noon, when they were approached by six-seven unidentified people in the footpath adjacent to Bangladesh Shishu Academy.
They pressured Shamim and his uncle to withdraw the case filed with the Badda Police Station against the accused doctors.
Shamim filed the case over Ayaan's death against United Hospital and United Medical College Hospital, two doctors of the medical college, unnamed directors, and employees earlier this month.
"If I don't withdraw the case, they threatened to harm me and even kill me in any way on my way to the office," Shamim wrote in the GD.
Earlier on 25 January, three unidentified persons threatened him to withdraw the case in a similar way in front of the canteen of the High Court.
"Me and my family are suffering from insecurity. They can do great harm to me and my family at any time," Shamim wrote in the GD.
According to the case statement, the accused doctors are Anesthesia Specialist Dr Saeed Sabbir Ahmed and Surgery Doctor Tasnuva Mahzabeen of United Medical College Hospital in Satarkul Badda.
Accusing the defendants of collusion for personal gain, Shamim alleged that his son died due to negligent treatment while being kept on life support at United Hospital from 31 December to 7 January.
The hospital then declared Ayaan dead and handed a bill of Tk5.77 lakh.