Tricks to keep vegetables fresh in the refrigerator
Learning the tricks of keeping vegetables fresh for a longer time span will be helpful for the monthly grocery budget. Here are the simple tricks you can follow at home:

Sometimes, it is difficult to keep fruits and vegetables fresh in the refrigerator longer, at least for two weeks. After all, fruits and vegetables rot easily when not stored properly. If you follow a few simple tricks, you can keep vegetables and fruits fresh for days.
Learning the tricks of keeping vegetables fresh for a longer time span will be helpful for the monthly grocery budget. Here are the simple tricks you can follow at home:
Store separately in the refrigerator
There are different ways of storing different vegetable or fruit items. For example, if you buy apples, you should keep them as they are in a bowl, with stems intact. On the other hand, if you buy radish, you need to cut off the green leaves at the top and store them separately; away from the white part. This process will prevent the leaves from sucking up the vegetable's moisture.
Never mix and match all the vegetable and fruit items in the veggie compartment of the refrigerator.

Wrap your leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables should be consumed within 1-2 days after purchasing to ensure both, freshness and to get all the nutrients. But if you need to store them for a few more days, you must wrap the unwashed leaves in a paper towel so that the towel can absorb any excess moisture - if the leaves retain excess moisture, they will rot quickly. Next, put the vegetables in a plastic bag and then store it in the fridge. Do not forget to toss any rotten leaves from the bunch before storing and keep the different varieties in separate bags.
Storage times are different for each type of vegetable
In order to get proper nutrition from your vegetables, it is wise not to buy a lot of them at once as most vegetables rot easily. Thus, make sure you know the storage time for each type of vegetables and store them accordingly.
Always make sure you consume the vegetables at their best quality.