Noishobbdotar Shobdera, an exhibition of poetry, held at Chaalchitra café

Marking the International Day for Democracy, rights organisation Let Expression be Free (LEBF) had organised Noishobbdotar Shobdera, an exhibition of poetry by young poets. The show was held from 15 to 17 September at the Chaalchitra café in Lalbagh, near the Dhaka University campus. However, despite the show ending, the poetry can still be seen on the walls of the café.

"Poetry exhibition is a relatively new idea. The poems on display in this exhibition give a strong political message. We hope that the audiences of this exhibition will appreciate the work that has gone into writing these poems and in organising this exhibition," said Shoikot Amin, curator of the show.

"We hope that through this exhibition, people will get some encouragement of working towards a freer Bangladesh and creating art without fear of repercussions from the state," said Arif Sohel, Coordinator, LEBF.
A total of thirty two poems by fifteen poets – many of whom are university-going students –were displayed at the show. Most of the poems were selected through an open call. However, some of the poetry were collected by the curator, with consent from the authors.

The event also included two discussions and a meet-and-greet with the poets.
The poems were displayed alongside illustrations done by Sainur Rahman Shuvo, a student of Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka.
LEBF works to protect freedom of expression in Bangladesh. The organisation is run by volunteers consisting of mostly students. LEBF has organised a protest at the Shahid Minar, a silent drama, and a debate tournament in the past.