Online application for school admission from 25 Nov
Selling admission forms, conducting lottery and publishing result will be done through Teletalk

Online application for admission in different schools of the country will begin from 25 November and continue till 8 December.
Lotteries will be organised for both government and private schools, and for both secondary and higher secondary levels.
Selling admission forms, conducting lottery and publishing result will be done through Teletalk.
"The decision was taken on Thursday at a meeting of the Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education (DSHE) regarding the school admission of students from grade 1 to 9," said Deputy Director (School) of DSHE and Member Secretary of the School Admission Committee Aziz Uddin.
Heads of different educational institutions were present at the meeting.
After getting the admission policy from the Ministry of Education, the DSHE plans to start the admission policy after publishing a circular.
ccording to the meeting sources, the admission policy will include online admissions and lottery system.
The meeting has also finalized the admission dates, including wait-listed students. Additionally, the cost of admission forms has also been fixed.
Admission forms of all schools are being sold online considering the coronavirus situation.
The lottery system is being availed for higher secondary level for the first time, also revealed at the meeting.
For government schools lottery will be held on 15 December and for private schools, 19 December.
Students selected in the lottery for grade 1 to 9 in government schools will be admitted from 16 to 23 December.
Students from the waiting list can be admitted between 28 to 30 December.
Meanwhile, students selected from the private school lottery will be admitted between 21 to 26 December.
The ones from the waiting list will be admitted from 26 to 30 December.
This year, the admission form for each private school cost Tk200. Government schools charged Tk170.
However, the price of next year's admission form has been reduced due to the pandemic.
Tk110 has been fixed for applying to five schools simultaneously. Thereby, reducing the application fee for each school to Tk22.