Alabama lifts ban on yoga in public schools after nearly 30 years
The new bill was introduced by Representative Jeremy Gray, a Democrat and former American football player

After nearly 30 years, the US state of Alabama has lifted a ban on teaching yoga in public schools.
However, the salutation "Namaste" would be forbidden and instructors have to use English names for poses, reports Al Jazeera.
The state's Governor Kay Ivey, a Republican, signed the bill on Thursday, on the last day of the session, overturning a decision put in place in 1993 which prohibited yoga, hypnosis and meditation in public schools in the state.
The new bill was introduced by Representative Jeremy Gray, a Democrat and former American football player.
He said he was introduced to yoga years ago, and it can provide mental and physical benefits to students.
"Studies have shown that yoga helps children cope with daily stressors as well help improve behaviour, concentration, mobility, flexibility, and strength," Gray said in March. "Yoga has become more prevalent than ever as we continue to move through this pandemic."
Christian and conservative groups have for years backed the ban, which they said encourages students to convert to Hinduism.
"Claims that scientific research supports yoga are based on poor-quality studies," according to a factsheet the National Center for Law & Policy, a group of Christian lawyers.
"Higher-quality studies show that yoga can be dangerous, causing injuries, death from stroke, and psychotic episodes," according to the document.
The new law goes into effect on August 1, before the start of the next school year.
The bill was amended by the Senate, which Gray said show phobias or "blatant disrespect to the Hindu culture". The amendments included a definition of meditation to ban anything "associated with or derived from mystical traditions of the East". It also requires parents to sign a permission slip.
Gray accepted the amendment to allow the bill to pass, local media reported.