When winter bit Bangladesh hard
In 2018, Bangladesh recorded the lowest temperature in five decades

Straddling the Tropic of Cancer, Bangladesh has a tropical climate with the summer and monsoon being hot, long and humid, and the winter being short and not too severe.
However, on 8 January of 2018, the cold fangs of winter bit hard on Bangladesh as the temperature fell to 2.6 degrees centigrade. The nearly freezing temperature was recorded in Tentulia upazila in the northern district of Panchagarh - the lowest temperature in five decades.
Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) said the previous lowest temperature recorded 2.8 degrees centigrade in 1968 in the country's Srimangal area in Moulvibazar.
The mercury fell to 3.2 degrees Celsius in the northern town of Dinajpur on 9 January, 2013 morning - Lowest temperature in four decades.
Bangladesh recordsed the lowest temperature of the season this year in Naogaon's Badalgachhi when mercury dipped to 6.5 degrees Celsius on 15 January morning.