ICSB council meets with FRC chairman
Corporate secretaries sign financial statements while making sure that laws and regulations including the ones of FRS are followed

The newly-elected council members of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) led by its President Muzaffar Ahmed called on Chair of Financial Reporting Council (FRC) CQK Mustaq Ahmed on Thursday.
Muzaffar, an FCMA FCS (Fellow of Cost and Management Accountant, Fellow of Chartered Secretary), introduced the newly-elected council members and office bearers to Mustaq and informed him of the activities that the institute undertook for their professional development while revealing its plan.
Corporate secretaries sign financial statements while making sure that laws and regulations including the ones of FRS are followed, said Muzaffar, adding that the ICSB and the FRC can move forward through mutual collaboration.
Muzaffar also offered one of the ICSB representative's inclusion in the FRC. Where Mustaq appreciated the ICSB's role in promoting corporate governance.
Mohammad Bul Hassan FCS, senior vice president, Md Selim Reza FCS, vice president, Salim Ahmed FCS, treasurer, Md Azizur Rahman FCS, council member, Md Sharif Hasan FCS, council member and Md Shamibur Rahman ACS, secretary in charge of the institute were present during the meeting.