Amar Foods to sell cattle raised by women farmers of Shorbojoya
The e-commerce platform is offering slaughtering services with free delivery inside Dhaka city

When there will be very few or no cattle haat in large cities on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha to ensure social distancing to curb spread of Covid-19, e-commerce platform Amar Foods has taken measures to sell cattle online, including those of the Shorbojoya farmers of Gaibandha.
It is a relief for many cattle farmers who rear cattle centring Eid-ul-Azha with the hope of earning a bit extra on the occasion.
Moreover, Amar Foods is offering slaughtering services with free delivery inside Dhaka city, reads a press release.
In only two weeks, Amar Foods has provided a way to sell almost all the cattle of Shorbojoya to buyers at a reasonable price. Now they are trying to take from other farmers of Gaibandha under the same initiative.
An official from Amar Food said they did not start this for the sake of business only, they run a social business model to reduce poverty and reinvest the selling profit for each individual. As Shorbojoya supplies their customers with premium beef round the year, they have taken the initiative to reduce the loss during the pandemic.
Co-founder of Amar Foods Miftah Arif mentioned, "We took initiative to build a bridge between rural sellers and buyers in the comfort of their homes. People having technological advantages and creative expertise should come forward and support small scale businesses run by these rural farmers. We have been trying from the beginning to ensure their financial stability and offer their families a better future."