Two factories vandalised in Fatullah BSCIC area
“Outsiders and some workers entered the BSCIC and attacked the factories. I’ve heard the situation was brought under control in the afternoon,” said Salim Sarwar, president of the Bangladesh Knitting Owners Association

At least two factories were vandalised in the Fatullah BSCIC Industrial area by protesting workers today (15 December), according to police and eyewitnesses.
The attack took place at gate-2 of BSCIC this afternoon, they said.
Police and locals said around 200 to 250 protesting workers of NR Group were involved in the attack. They vandalised two factories of the Fakir and Le Reve groups.
Later, locals and workers of other BSCIC factories got together and chased the attackers away.
Industrial Police Inspector (Intelligence) Salim Badsha said, "The workers of NR Group were protesting to push home their 17-point demand. Almost all their demands were accepted by the authorities, except one demand regarding a minor issue."
"But it is unexpected that such a big incident will happen around this issue," he said without clarifying the issue in question.
Meanwhile, Salim Sarwar, president of the Bangladesh Knitting Owners Association, said outsiders were involved in the attack.
"Outsiders and some workers entered the BSCIC and attacked the factories. I've heard the situation was brought under control in the afternoon."