‘The police told us to throw stones at Muslims’
Muslims in India are now feeling deeply insecure in an India under Hindu nationalist rule

In a video story by BBC, the Delhi police are seen throwing stones, charging batons and beating the Muslim population mercilessly – at times, to death. Videos like these have been emerging since the communal violence in Delhi last week.
A team of BBC visited the street where the footage was filmed, a predominantly Hindu one.
Himanshu Rathode, one of the men from the Hindu mob, described how the police helped them, "We didn't have enough stones, so the police brought some and told us to throw them on the Muslims."
Across the street, the staff found the smoldered house of a Muslim man.
Bura Khan, one of the witnesses of the violence, said, "I saw the police come in with the rioters who set the shops on fire in front of them."
Several bystanders and witnesses to the riot told BBC that the police were either complicit with or turned a blind eye to the Hindu mobs and used excessive force against Muslims.
Muslims in India are now feeling deeply insecure in an India under Hindu nationalist rule.
A Muslim man, Faizan, was beaten to death by the police.
Some were forced to sing the national anthem of India to prove their patriotism.
"We are Indians, just like you are," a man, beaten and bloodied by the police, pleaded.
At Faizan's home, preparations for his funeral were being made.
"He couldn't stand up or sit down. My brother was in so much pain," Faizan's brother Nayeem said.
"His whole body turned black and blue. He was beaten in such places that I can't even express," he added.
Rafique was one of those beaten with Faizan. Almost all of his body bears mark of the gruesome attack.
"I'm too scared to go and get myself treated. The situation outside is so bad. The government has ruined India," he said.
However, the Delhi police did not respond to the allegations.
At least 47 people have been killed so far in the Delhi violence.