State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak attends Bongo BoB Limelight live session
Honourable State Minister for ICT Division, Zunaid Ahmed Palak joins Bongo BoB Limelight live session with Charer Master

Combining works of Bangladeshi literature and film through their Based on Books (BoB) project, popular video streaming site Bongo will present seven original telefilms this EID. As part of this venture, they are also arranging regular virtual discussion titled Bongo BoB Limelight, states a press release.
State Minister for ICT Division, Zunaid Ahmed Palak, was present as a special guest on Facebook Live for the 'Bongo BoB Season 1 Limelight with Charer Master' program on Wednesday. The film is based on the popular novel by a young writer Rahitul Islam.
The telefilm 'Charer Master' features a young computer engineer who leaves his lavish city life and moves to the village in order to promote education in the rural area. Facing hurdles from society and personal life, the hero's journey ends with fulfilling his aim.
Bongo CEO Ahad Mohammad Bhai, during his welcome speech, conveyed his felicitations to the ICT department for the digital development of the nation. He said, 'We are really excited with the project and we hope Bongo can continue to entertain people with stories from our land.'
Referring to the success of Digital Bangladesh in the story, the state minister for ICT Division, Zunaid Ahmed Palak said, 'While I interact with the young people during my visits to different rural areas, I find most youngsters aspire to come to the city or eventually move to the foreign countries. Rahitul offers an exceptional example of a hero's journey which is very inspiring. I am excited about the Bongo BoB project and eager to watch the film myself.'
Following the minister, writer Rahitul Islam said 'Unless there were workshop opportunities for freelancers in remote areas, I wouldn't have found the story. I am glad Bongo has selected my story for their first season of Bongo BoB.'
Director of the telefilm Vicky Jahed, actor Khairul Bashar, actor Masum Aziz, COO Fayaz Taher, CCO Mushfiqur Rahman, and others were present in the adda session. Priyanka Chowdhury was the interviewer from the Bongo BoB team.