Scam 1992 becomes number 1 in IMDB’s top 250 TV
Currently, Scam 1992 has a rating of 9.6 out of 10, beating the popular series Breaking Bad for the number one spot

SonyLiv's popular web series Scam 1992 has been ranked number 1 in IMDB's top 250 TV shows of all time.
Currently, Scam 1992 has a rating of 9.6 out of 10, beating the popular series Breaking Bad for the number one spot, reports The Indian Express.
The other shows on the list include Band of Brothers, Breaking Bad, The Wire and Chernobyl. Scam 1992 is on number 9, at the moment, but the ranking keeps on changing from time to time.
Scam 1992 narrates the story of stockbroker, Harshad Mehta, who orchestrated the Rs 5,000-crore 1992 securities scandal, which led to the exposure of many loopholes in the functioning of the stock market and banks.
Pratik, who rose to fame after essaying the role of Harshad Mehta, is elated about the achievement. "Well, it's a super-happy feeling. It strengthens our faith in our craft, and instinct as a whole team. I am really happy that Scam is the sole Indian show to represent the Indian entertainment industry in such an esteemed list of shows," he told SpotBoy.
Scam 1992, an adaptation of the book The Scam: Who Won, Who Lost, Who Got Away by financial journalists Sucheta Dalal and Debashish Basu, is streaming on SonyLIV.