Kendall Jenner on BLM photo: ‘I did not post this’
A fake photo put Kendall in a debacle amid the protest.

Days after a fake image of model Kendall Jenner holding up a Black Lives Matter sign went viral, she clarified that it was photoshopped and shared online by someone else. In the picture, she is seen wearing a face mask and dressed in an all-black outfit, as she holds up the placard.
A closer look reveals that the image is morphed, as there is no sign in the shadow behind Kendall. Responding to a Twitter user who asked, "What's missing from @KendallJenner 's shadow?," she wrote, "this is photoshopped by someone. i DID NOT post this."
Kendall's fans rallied in her support. One wrote, "People are terrible believing such things, I hope they will leave you alone now." Another wrote, "I believe you because I can tell you are not holding that sign. You are holding a bottle of water in your right hand but I can't tell what your left hand is holding. The person or persons that did that should be ashamed of themselves. And I am sorry that happened to you."
Tens of thousands across the globe have been angrily protesting racial injustices after 46-year-old African-American George Floyd was killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis last month.
Kendall called George Floyd's death in police custody a 'horrible injustice' and wrote in an Instagram post, "I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few days and my heart has been so heavy. I'm angry and hurt just like so many. I will never personally understand the fear and pain that the black community go through on a daily basis, but i know that nobody should have to live in constant fear. I acknowledge my white privilege and promise I will continue to educate myself on how I can help." She added that everyone will have to go beyond 'raging on platforms' and 'take real action, off of social media'