Free at last, Britney Spears calls end of conservatorship 'best day ever'
Spears did not attend Friday's hearing but said in an Instagram post, "I love my fans so much it’s crazy!!! I think I’m gonna cry the rest of the day !!!! Best day ever."

Pop star Britney Spears on Friday regained control of her personal life and her money when a judge ended a 13-year conservatorship that became a cause celebre for fans and critics of an arrangement typically meant to protect the elderly.
"Effective today, the conservatorship of the person and the estate of Britney Jean Spears is hereby terminated," Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny said after a 30-minute hearing in which no one opposed ending the court-sanctioned arrangement.
The 39-year-old "Piece of Me" singer had begged the court for months to terminate the conservatorship that has governed her personal life and $60 million estate since 2008.
Spears did not attend Friday's hearing but said in an Instagram post, "I love my fans so much it's crazy!!! I think I'm gonna cry the rest of the day !!!! Best day ever."
Outside the courthouse, dozens of fans erupted into cheers and tossed pink confetti into the air when they heard the news. Some danced and sang to her hit "Stronger."