Five things you should know before watching Extraction

The Netflix movie "Extraction" has created quite a buzz among the Bangladeshi audience due to being partly shot in Bangladesh. The plot of the movie has Dhaka city as its backdrop. Here are five things you should know before watching Extraction.
Sam Hargrave, director of Extraction, is originally a professional stuntman. He worked in the Avengers films as the body double of Captain America (Chris Evans).
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis were casted as leads for the film at one point.
The movie is loosely based on a graphic novel named "Ciudad" - co written by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo.
Amir Asif, a fictional Bangladeshi character in the film, is described as 'Dhaka's own Pablo Escobar' in Extraction.
In the trailer, an action sequence takes place on the Babubazar bridge over the Buriganga river. However, this might as well be a work of CGI.