‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ season finale bids a perfect goodbye to the show

Although, the fans would be happy to watch "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" run forever to witness Jake being the awesome detective yet again, cringe when Boyle drops another dorky joke, laugh when Holt robotically cracks the funniest puns, it has finally come to an end after eight glorious seasons.
Created by Dan Goor and Michael Schur, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is a comedy series following the exploits of detective Jake Peralta and his diverse, lovable colleagues as they police the New York Police Department's 99th Precinct.
Produced as a single-camera comedy, in the eight years the show has bagged several awards including Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy for the first season and has received critical acclaim as well.
The characters of the show
The actual reason for the show's soaring popularity is the characters that won our hearts. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) is the genius detective who can also be a goofball at times.
In his quest for the perfect 'Die Hard' moment, he is always seen being a one-man show. Jake is always putting immense effort into being there for his loved ones - making us all want to have a Jake Peralta in our lives.
Melissa Fumero's portrayal as Amy Santiago is a nerdy, know-it-all perfectionist. Her cute and competitive relationship with Peralta makes one of the cutest couples in TV series history. She is shown to struggle to attain validation from her one true mentor, Caption of the precinct, Raymond Holt.
Raymond Holt played by Andre Braugher is the ultimate father figure of the precinct, who is a strict leader but also very accommodating when his detectives need him. Stating incessantly funny remarks with a hilarious straight face, his loyalty towards his team, his loving husband Kevin and dog Cheddar makes us swoon over him.
Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz is a badass who likes to get her job done with zero nonsense. We know very little about her life and she likes to keep expression of emotions to a minimum. Her zero tolerance for sexism and racism and support for helping Amy get her wedding dress demonstrate outstanding examples of how women can lift each other up.
Charles Boyles (Joe Lo Truglio) is so much more than Jake's best friend. His unconditional love, oblivious state of his own dorkiness and inclination towards wired cuisine makes us adore him.
Hitchcock and Scully are the ultimate duo and comedic relief. No matter what happens in the precinct they are constantly there being silly and themselves. Dirk Blocker and Joel McKinnon Miller played the characters respectively.
Last but not the least Miss Gina Linetti. Actor Chelsea Peretti brings the character to life. Her attitude and sass make her such an alpha in a group of badass policemen.
Chelsea had left in season 6 because her talents were being wasted at the Nine-Nine. But her surprise entry at the season finale puts the cherry on the top.
The finale makes up for the whole season
The show has been gloriously silly with just the perfect amount of warmth and heart, a rare comedy almost fully formed from episode one. And with shows as long and adored as "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," it can be challenging to stick the landing. But the TV show wrapped up doing justice to all the Nine-Niners out there.
The first few episodes portrayed the innate racism and homophobia of the police officers in NYPD. Despite being a white American man and a gay Police Captain at NYPD, Jake and Holt stood up against the discrimination.
But in an attempt to make it 'politically correct', the initial episodes lost the usual "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" charm along with some IMDB ratings. The first episode, 'The Good Ones' holds a rating of 4.9 currently.
The last episode, 'The Last Day' is sweet, funny and full of surprises. The character moments do not feel too heavy and ring true for everyone involved.
In the finale, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" got as close to a perfect ending with Jake and Holt's conversation bidding each other goodbye. Their relationship has always been the emotional core of the show and it was proved again when Holt idealised Jake as his son.
What's more to love about the finale is that it includes meta moments that incorporate the show's history and iconic characters like Adrian Pimento-Rosa's crazy ex-boyfriend, Cale the Cannibal and Bill, Boyle's look alike and frequent heist participant.
As much as I savoured the finale, a special mention goes out to 'PB & J', the episode where Doug Judy, Jake's special 'criminal' friend makes a cameo. Jake takes him for a final ride paying a tribute to their friendship. Their chemistry is one of the things I loved the most in this season, perhaps even more than Jake and Amy's.
The show never strayed too far from the one we have always known and loved. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" has soothed my wounded heart after a heartbreak and helped me pass through difficult days and nights. It's my favourite go-to series whenever I want to unwind.
The first few episodes have been criticized a little, the last two episodes were designed to give proper fan service incorporating each and every aspect of the show that we have enjoyed in the last seven seasons.
As a fan, I loved that they decided to end the show this season with a heartfelt goodbye.