Sajib (in the centre) grew interest in Vespas at a very early age. Photo: Mumit M/TBS
Sajib's father - Golam Mohammad, started driving this Vespa VBB in 1979 and it has been a part of the family ever since. Photo: Courtesy
Italian Vespas are very rare, hard to find, and hence, are highly desired by Vespa enthusiasts. Photo: Mumit M/TBS
Photo: Mumit M/TBS
Over the years, Sajib has sourced his collectibles from different parts of Bangladesh. Photo: Mumit M/TBS
Compared to four-stroke motorcycles, Vespas, being two-stroke, can be very high-maintenance. Photo: Mumit M/TBS
Vespa enthusiast Sajib Islam. Photo: Mumit M/TBS