16 athletes walk 71km to honour freedom fighters of 1971
The athletes took 17 hours to complete the walk

A group of 16 athletes paid tribute to the freedom fighters of the 1971 liberation war by walking 71km on 16 December from zero point to Valuka.
"Hatahati - the Walks", a group of walkers/hikers observed the programme starting from zero point at zero hour of 16 December. They walked on through Mohakhali-Uttara-Gazipur-Sreepur-Valuka on the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway, taking 17 hours to complete the walk.
At the end point of the walk in Valuka, the athletes lit 71 candles to pay their respects to the Freedom Fighters of 1971. People of Valuka welcomed them there and the walkers distributed 710 facemasks to locals.
"Hatahati – the Walks" observed a 100-kilometre walking programme in 24 hours from Dhaka to Comilla to pay respect to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on his birth centenary last year on 19 November.