Naila Nayem: Friend of cats and dogs
Naila lives in Aftabnagar and her house is a varitable animal care centre.

Because of her activities, many of her neighbours call her insane. This involves caring for 20 to 30 cats and dogs daily and the person whose sanity is being questioned is Naila Nayem, a dentist by profession who is now an established model and actress. Her devotion to stray animals is making her neighbours inquisitive.
Naila lives in Aftabnagar and her house is a varitable animal care centre. The cats and dogs she cares for are seen in front of her house and its surroundings as they get food – rice and meat. Every morning, she feeds them herself.
After getting up in the morning, she prepares the food with the help of an assistant. Then she goes out in search of dogs and cats.
Naila first came into the limelight with her bold photoshoots. The Business Standard recently discovered that she also has another unique dimension to her personality – her neighbours in Aftabnagar area of the capital knows her as a carer of dogs and cats
When neighbours raise their eyebrows and even tease her about her obsession. This does not bother her at all. She said she rather enjoys taking care of the animals.
The animals do reciprocate her love. Whenever Naila stands at the B-block intersection of Aftabnagar, Lali, Kali (names of dogs) and others run towards her.
"I do it out of humanity. I took this initiative long ago. In the past, my house was in Khilgaon where I used to feed many cats and dogs regularly. It has not been long since I started living in Aftabnagar. The cats and dogs here are my companions. I feed them, take care of them," said Naila.
She not only feeds the animals but ensures their regular treatment when they fall sick.
"Many of them suddenly get sick while some get injured. I try to take them to pet hospital. A few days ago, a dog got sick while giving birth to puppies. It was 1 o'clock at night. I took it to a veterinary hospital," she said.
Naila has also arranged accommodations for stray dogs that have no place to stay.
"Buildings are covering the entire surface of this city. Consequently, the space required for these animals to roam around is shrinking gradually. So, I try to take care of them," she said.
"I receive various types of criticism. Some say I am feeding animals while many people are starving. In fact, when I come to know that someone is starving, I arrange for food for him or her provided that it is within my capability," she added.
"I will continue to feed animals as long as I am alive," she said responding to a question as to what her plan was for the future.