World cleanup day observed by Midas Safety Bangladesh ltd

Midas Safety Bangladesh ltd, a Canadian multinational hand gloves manufacturer based in Chattogram EPZ, observed a beach cleanup event on 18 September to celebrate the "World Cleanup Day" at Patenga Sea Beach, Chattogram.
The General Manager of MSBD, Moinul Hossain, participated in the event which began with a rally followed by a cleanup competition among the employees to tackle the global waste problem aligned with the Sustainable Development goal (SDG)- 12, reads a press release.

The program organisers Ashraful Karim, Noorie Muntaha and Maksudul Hasan divided the participants into 8 groups. The 8 groups then went on search to collect plastic wastes from the beach. It was a fun way to clean the nature as well as set an example for others to keep their environment clean and plastic waste free.
After the end of the competition, the 8 teams waste collections were judged, and 3 winners were selected for collecting the maximum amount of plastic waste. The collected waste was later disposed in the nearby waste collecting bin.