WFP launches cyclone preparedness training in Bangladesh to boost disaster response

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) launched a set of Cyclone Preparedness Programme Training Modules and officially handed them over to the Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) unit within the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR).
Together with NGO partners Brac and Christian Aid, and with funding from USAID and KS Relief, WFP has developed five training modules that will be used to train over 76,000 CPP volunteers across 13 coastal districts of Bangladesh, namely, Basic Foundation, High Tide Monitoring and Response, Water Rescue, Rapid Response, and Community-Based Cyclone Early Warning System, according to a press release issued on Thursday (27October).
"I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to take part in this launching and handover ceremony. These CPP training modules will serve to strengthen the capacity of all CPP volunteers across the coastal area of Bangladesh. This initiative is evidence of the sincere interest of our CPP unit in ensuring growth by aligning with a community-based and driven approach with a voluntary and dedicated humanitarian spirit for the multi-hazard risk management capacities of our coastal area communities," said the Secretary of MoDMR Kamrul Hasan who was present as the chief guest.
"This initiative is an important WFP contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction capacity strengthening efforts in Bangladesh. It will enable the CPP volunteers to expand their knowledge and skill base and improve their capacity in delivering services during future disasters. We remain committed to supporting the Government of Bangladesh in building community resilience and to strengthening their ability to respond to and recover from climate shocks," said Dom Scalpelli, WFP's Representative and Country Director in Bangladesh.
Three of the five modules – High Tide Monitoring and Response, Water Rescue, Rapid Response – will be used to support the development of the newly established CPP Water Rescue Unit, Tide Monitoring and Response Unit. Director of CPP, Ahmadul Haque, and representatives from BDRCS, IFRC, American Red Cross, BRAC, CARE, Save the Children, Christian Aid, and BRAC University, were also present at the ceremony, the release added.