Orange Corners Bangladesh hosts its first-ever investor meet

As a flagship initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Orange Corners is taking significant strides in catalysing local entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.
In line with its commitment to fostering innovation and growth, the Netherlands Embassy in Bangladesh and SAJIDA Foundation jointly organised the first-ever Orange Corners Investor Meet – bringing together accomplished angel investors and ecosystem builders with a shared commitment to supporting and empowering early-stage companies, reads a press release.
The event was organised at the Embassy of Netherlands in Dhaka. The welcome speech was delivered by Tanzila Tajreen, senior policy advisor, Economic Affairs and Private Sector Development of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Bangladesh.
"Orange Corner Bangladesh is the first hub in Bangladesh and Asia and the 18th hub worldwide. It is an important initiative for the Netherlands worldwide and in Bangladesh, not only because it promotes entrepreneurship but also because of women empowerment. Young entrepreneurs are engines of economic and social growth," said Tajreen.
The event served as a unique opportunity, especially as the inaugural cohort of Orange Corners Bangladesh prepares to graduate from a transformative six-month incubation programme, for these entrepreneurs to showcase their innovations.
The significance of the Investor Meet goes beyond networking – as it holds the promise of financial support for the participating enterprises.
Successful fundraising during or after the event makes these businesses eligible for matching grants up to EUR 5,000 through the Orange Corners Programme, with the potential for follow-on funding of up to EUR 50,000, emphasising the programme's long-term commitment to the growth and sustainability of these emerging businesses.
The first cohort, comprising of 14 promising businesses from diverse sectors, includes: BD Recycle Technologies Limited (BRTL), TOYO, HydroSense_BD, O-Zone, Countree Agro, MasterCourse,, Vertical Innovations Limited, Shapla, Drip Irrigation BD Ltd, ToguMogu Pvt. Limited, Science Bee, Ecolery, and CarboBang.
The entrepreneurs were also joined by Sharawwat Islam, managing director, Truvalu Bangladesh; Sami Ahmed, managing director, Startup Bangladesh; Nazmul Karim, country fead, Aavishkaar Capital; and Zareen Mahmud, founder and managing director, CholPori – who all shared from experience on how to create an environment that empowers and nurtures early-stage entrepreneurs in Bangladesh in an engaging panel session.
Implemented by YY Ventures, BYLC Ventures, and SAJIDA Foundation, with support from corporate partners DBL Group and Unilever, Orange Corners Bangladesh focuses on nurturing local youth entrepreneurs and fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bangladesh.