ICSB organises career session on chartered secretary profession at Government College of Commerce, Chattogram

Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) organised a Career Session on "Chartered Secretary: An Emerging and Rewarding Profession" at Government College of Commerce, Chattogram on Monday (10 June).
Professor Sushen Kumar Barua, principal of Government College of Commerce, Chattogram graced the occasion as Session chair.
M Nurul Alam FCS, senior vice president of ICSB graced the occasion as session speaker. He gave a brief presentation on Chartered Secretary Profession.
He highlighted the prospects of Chartered Secretary profession in our country and abroad.
He briefly discussed CS course curriculum, classes, examination system and membership process.
He welcomed the students to enrich their professional career by enrolling into Chartered Secretary Course.
In his speech, Professor Sushen Kumar Barua mentioned the career session will help to understand the necessity of professional degrees for accelerating career success.
He thanked ICSB for conducting the Career Session programme at Chattogram.
AKM Mushfiqur Rahman FCS, vice president; Mohammad Shafiqul Islam Bhuiyan FCS, chairman of Examination Committee and teachers of Government College of Commerce, Chattogram spoke at the event.
Md Delowar Hossain FCS, chairman of Chattogram Regional Chapter Sub Committee moderated the programme.
Among others, from ICSB side Md Shamibur Rahman FCS, Executive Director (F&A), Kazi Andaleeb Amin, Director (Education) and from Government College of Commerce, Chattogram side Dr Mohammad Tauhidur Rahman, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Finance and Banking; Mohammad Hashem, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Accounting; Mohammad Nazim Uddin, Secretary, Staff Council & Associate Professor, Department of Accounting; Mishu Barua, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Marketing were also present during the programme.
A large number of students participated in the programme and the question & answer session was vibrant and spontaneous.
At the end, Md Zakir Hossain, Secretary & Chief Executive Officer of the Institute enlightened on the emergence of Chartered Secretary profession and offered a Vote of Thanks.