ICSB celebrates silver jubilee

Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) celebrated its Silver Jubilee on Sunday (3 July) at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC), Dhaka.
State Minister for the cultural affairs ministry KM Khalid graced the occasion as the chief guest and Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam, chairman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) attended as the special guest, reads a press release.
Minister KM Khalid congratulated the members of the institute for achieving this milestone.
He reiterated that Bangladesh is advancing on the global corporate horizon at a great speed.
ICSB is playing an effective and meaningful role to develop, promote and regulate the profession of chartered secretaries of Bangladesh. He thanked the founding members of ICSB for their visionary thinking and taking the initiative to establish such an Institute.
While extending heartiest thanks to the members of ICSB, Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam underscored the present government's commitment to ensuring good corporate governance and corporate culture in the listed companies of Bangladesh.
He applauded the role of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh for developing professional skills in the corporate sector.
All the Founding Members - Muzaffar Ahmed FCS, Late MS Alam Mia FCS (representative), AKA Muqtadir FCS, Mohammad Sanaullah FCS, Md Zahangir Alam FCS, Md Siddiqur Rahman FCS, Late Md Saiduzzaman FCS (representative), Late Md Yeamin Hossain FCS (representative), Itrat Husain FCS, Sultan-ul-Abedine Molla FCS, Muhammed Abul Hashem FCS, Late Anwarul Afzal FCS (representative) and NG Chakraborty FCS were honoured by the chief guest for their pioneering role.
The institute reached such a position with the proper guidance, active participation and leadership of the past presidents. Muzaffar Ahmed FCS, Mohammad Sanaullah FCS, AKA Muqtadir FCS and Itrat Husain FCS were also honoured by the chief guest as the past presidents.
A short presentation highlighting the important historical events of the last 25 years of ICSB was presented on the occasion. The programme ended with an enthralling cultural programme.
It was a grand programme which was attended by a large number of government officials, chartered secretaries, company secretaries, corporate professionals, corporate leaders and executives.
At the end, Md Selim Reza FCS, vice president, ICSB and chairman, Members' Welfare and Recreation Sub Committee of the institute offered a vote of thanks.