CUB, DSE host seminar on accountability in corporate sector

The Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) and Dhaka Stock Exchange, jointly hosted a seminar titled "Corporate Sustainability and Accountability Practices: A Crucial Nexus for National Prosperity" on Sunday (3 December).
The seminar held at CUB auditorium brought together distinguished academicians including faculties from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, industry leaders, and government officials to delve into the critical role of corporate sustainability and accountability in driving national prosperity, reads a press release.
Gracing the seminar as chief guest was Dr Chowdhury Nafeez Sarafat, Chairman (BoT), while Professor Dr Gias U Ahsan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Acting Vice Chancellor), presided as the Chair of the session.
The seminar also welcomed Dr ATM Tariquzzaman, Managing Director, Dhaka Stock Exchange; Dr. Mohammad Abu Yusuf, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance, GoB; Dr. Ainul Islam, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and Professor Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, PhD, Chief Advisor to CUB as Special Guests. Prof. M. Nasir Uddin, Ph.D, Professor/Research Director of NICU Fellowship, Texas A&M University served as the Special Guest of Honor, while the keynote address was delivered by Dr. Yinka Moses, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
The seminar explored various facets of corporate sustainability and accountability, emphasising their significance in fostering sustainable economic growth and enhancing national well-being. Participants engaged in insightful discussions on topics such as capital markets, corporate governance, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility.