BICM organises BICM Research Seminar-04

Bangladesh Institute of Capital Markets (BICM) organised 'BICM Research Seminar-04' on 22 June where Kashfia Sharmin, Assistant Professor, BICM, presented the keynote address titled "Problems and Prospects of Investing in Mutual Funds: The Case of Bangladesh".
The executive president of the institute Dr Mahmuda Akter presided over the seminar where Mahmud Hussain, Chairman, CVC Finance Ltd, Mir Ariful Islam, MD and CEO, Sandhani Asset Management Ltd; and Sharmin Sultana Sumi, Investment Analyst, LR Global Bangladesh Asset Management Company Ltd, were other speakers. Wajid Hasan Shah, Director (Studies), BICM was the moderator of the seminar.
This research paper identifies the factors that affect general investors' investments in mutual funds; problems and prospects of the mutual fund sector in Bangladesh; and investigates the effectiveness of mutual funds in Bangladesh.
The article will be helpful in determining the development areas of asset management companies in Bangladesh; at the same time, it will help policymakers to play an active role in the expansion of the mutual fund sector in Bangladesh.