Barilla pasta now available at 19 Pizza Hut outlets in Bangladesh

Pizza lovers will now be able to get their much-desired Italian Barilla pasta served at 19 Pizza Hut outlets in Bangladesh.
Transcom Foods Limited, sole franchise of Pizza Hut and KFC in Bangladesh recently signed a business agreement with BestinBrands Private Limited, the sole distributor of Barilla Pasta in Bangladesh.
The agreement was signed at the head office of Transcom Foods Limited at Gulshan in the capital on Sunday (30 January), read a press release.
BestinBrand's Chief Operating Officer Bruno Bianchi; Business Development Manager Thomas Cassin; Sales Manager Jahed Hasan and Transcom Food Limited's General Manager -SCM Md Rezaul Karim, Deputy Manager-Quality Assurance Krishna Pada Pal and Assistant-SCM Md Ashikur Rahman Newaz were present at the event.
Signing the deal, Rezauk Karim said, "Pizza Hut and KFC Bangladesh wants to go ahead with the goal of gaining the trust of customers by serving them the No.1 pasta brand in the world. The launch of the Barilla pasta will represent a crucial milestone in its drive to increase the awareness of Italian cuisine, flavors, and habits."
Transcom representatives said the agreement is a continuation of the ongoing effort to bring forward the best international brands and products to our customers.