Bangladesh explores food export opportunities to Brunei

The high commissioner of Bangladesh to Brunei Darussalam has facilitated a meeting today to explore opportunities to export food and beverage products from Bangladesh to Brunei.
Nahida Rahman Shumona, high commissioner of Bangladesh, and Lee Chiap Kiang, managing director of Sim Kim Huat Trading Company, held the meeting in the High Commission of Bangladesh, said a press release.
In attendance was also Haji Nasir Latif, President of the Brunei Food and Beverage Association.
According to the media release, Sim Kim Huat Trading Company is a supermarket chain in the country that represents one of Brunei's food importers.
The Brunei Food and Beverage Association helps to facilitate as well as promote food and related trade for imports into Brunei Darussalam and food exporters around the world.
In the following weeks, further meetings are expected to take place and engage with other food manufacturers in Bangladesh including Pran Food Ltd, Square Food and Beverage Ltd, and Akij Food and Beverage Ltd.
In 2020, agri-items, agri-products and processed food from Bangladesh achieved over one billion in sales globally. Bangladesh is currently exporting to over 140 countries around the world and its food exports reflect high quality and competitive pricing. At present, the agro processing industry in Bangladesh for both local and export trade represents $4.8 billion in global sales and is expected to grow further by $5.8 billion by 2030, reports the media release.
The world population is expected to grow to 9.8 billion by 2050 and processed food will increase by 60%. With this expected demand, Bangladesh food manufacturers continue to focus on improving and delivering high quality food products.