5-day Scout Leader Basic Training of SWID Bangladesh kicks off

A 5-day Scout Unit Leader Basic Course of SWID Bangladesh has been launched aiming to build the children with special needs as honest, efficient, ideal and good citizens.
Bangladesh Scouts, Dhaka Region and Dhaka Metropolitan District Scouts jointly organised the training, reads a press release.
Jenmin Nahar, Director (Development, Management and ICT) of Bangladesh Disability Development Foundation, inaugurated the programme.
Mahmudul Monir, Secretary General of SWID Bangladesh, spoke as a special guest.

Course leader and Bangladesh Scouts Deputy Director (ICT) Hamzar Rahman Shamim presided over the opening ceremony.
Jasmine Begum, instructor of the training course, Abu Noman Md Sirajul Haque, Md Harun ur Rashid Sarkar, Ranjit Kumar Roy, Rezaul Haque Ujjal, Atiqur Rahman, Md Majedul Islam, Bakhtiar Qutubi and others spoke at the event.
In order to implement the Prime Minister's announcement, basic courses have been organised with the aim of strengthening the scout activities, including ensuring the formation of two cub and scout teams in all the schools of the district.
Forty teachers from different branches of Sweden Bangladesh are participating in the 500th Cub Scout Unit Leader Basic Course for 5 days. Participating teachers will be able to form and manage scout teams in schools after the training.