BCSIR to provide free hand sanitizers for people
The organisation with the assistance of the science and technology ministry is now producing this sanitizer

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) is set to provide hand sanitizers for people without any payment, said a press release.
The organisation with the assistance of the science and technology ministry is now producing this sanitizer.
In this regard, Science and Technology Minister Yeafesh Osman on Thursday donated Tk1 lakh to BCSIR from his private fund to help the production at the BCSIR conference room in the capital.
Sanitizers produced by the BCSIR would be distributed to Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Suhrawardy Hospital, Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital at the initial level, followed by other districts, he said.
BCSIR Chairman Md Faruk Ahmed spoke in the event where other high officials of BCSIR were also present.