More sacrificial animals in the country than demand: Minister

There are more animals for sacrifice in the country than the demand, said Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim.
"Haats (cattle market) cannot be built on roads. However, sacrificial animals can be bought and sold anywhere. Various surveys have revealed that there is a demand for 10,394,739 sacrificial animals this time. There are 12,536,333 sacrificial animals in the country. Here is a surplus of 2,141,594 animals over the demand," the minister said after an inter-ministerial meeting at the Secretariat on Wednesday (14 June).
Last year the number of animals to be sacrificed was 1 crore 2,124,389, and the number of sacrificed cattle was 9,921,941, the minister added.
"This time, 4,843,752 cows and buffaloes, 7,690,000 goats and sheep and 2,581 other species of cattle are among the animals that can be sacrificed.
"In the past sacrificial animals were only sold in haats. However, since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, sacrificial animals have been sold on the street and at home. Anyone can sell from wherever they want. Because many times monopoly in the haats create a crisis. That's why we have made the sale open. If someone wants to sell on the street, they can sell, if they want to sell in the haat, they can sell. If any sale is disturbed, the law will take its own course," he added.
The cabinet committee on law and order decided on Tuesday (13 June) that animal stalls cannot be set up on the streets. When drawing attention to this matter, Rezaul Karim said, "Cows can be sold while being transported. Haats cannot be set up on the road."
"Animals can be sold anywhere. If someone obstructs, call 999 or inform the local administration, action will be taken. It has to be documented that it is being sold," he said.
"Like the last four-five years, it will be possible to meet the demand for sacrificial animals only with domestically produced cattle. There is no need to import animals from abroad," the minister added.
"Strict monitoring is being done to prevent illegal entry of cattle from neighbouring countries along the border. The Ministry of Home Affairs has been requested to take action in this regard," he said, adding, "If one sells cattle at home or market, they will not have to pay any kind of revenue. If there is haat on the way while taking animals from one place to another, the authorities of that haat cannot forcefully make traders sell from the haat."
This year, arrangements have been made to transport animals by rail. The Ministry of Railways will start this system a week before Eid, the minister further said.