Jamuna Bank organises get togethers with NRBs in South Korea

Jamuna Bank recently organised three get together programmes in Yujeong and Ansan City in South Korea with the participation of NRBs (Non Resident Bangladeshis).
Chairman of Jamuna Bank Limited and Jamuna Bank Foundation Al-Haj Nur Mohammed was present as the chief guest in the programmes, reads a press release.
Managing Director and CEO of the Bank Mirza Elias Uddin Ahmed presided over the events.
Director of the bank Kanutosh Majumder, Gazi Golam Murtoza and Mahmudul Hoque were also present as special guests.
In that event, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank effectively encouraged the NRBs to send remittances through legitimate channels.
NRB Bangladeshis were greatly encouraged to send money earned through legitimate channels after being informed about Jamuna Bank's products at the event.
Jamuna Bank will stand by the NRBs with full cooperation in bringing the dead bodies of Bangladeshis to the country, the release added.
The main topics of discussions were- fastest remittance to one's own country, new account opening and various attractive banking services for Non Resident Bangladeshis - Deposits, Investments etc.