Abul Kalam Azad becomes new Bangladesh Bank spokesperson

Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank (BB) GM Abul Kalam Azad has been appointed as the bank's new spokesperson.
The Human Resources Department of Bangladesh Bank on Thursday (6 October) issued a letter in this regard, signed by director of the department Md Golam Mostafa.
Generally, the responsibility of the spokesperson is to address the media over various issues related to the banking and financial sectors.
Besides, Anwarul Islam, director of off-site supervision, and Saeda Khanam, director of communications and publications, have been nominated as assistant spokespersons.
Earlier, the central bank's executive director Serajul Islam served in this position from 22 July 2018 for four years. He retired on completing 59 years of service.
Abul Kalam Azad joined the Bangladesh Bank as assistant director in 1992.
Prior to this, he obtained his honours, masters and diploma in Economics from the University of Dhaka.
Abul performed his duties in the central bank's Research Department, Monetary Policy Department, Governor Secretariat and Department of Communications and Publications with skill and dedication.
He visited various countries including US, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India for overseas training.